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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Armed Robbery, Petty Theft, Home Burglary On The Rise In The Great Recession

Is it me or does it seem like every time you turn on the news or read the paper whether offline or online, that there is always a report on robbery, home invasion burglaries, auto theft, scams and frauds? Over the last 3 years it seems like these crimes that affect hard working Americans are plaguing more and more neighborhoods today.

Living in the suburbs doesn't make you immune to this crime either. If you visit your local, there is a Crime Blotter section that lists these crimes on a weekly basis. When you review this section you will note the alarming incidences of robberies at gun point, home invasions, auto thefts, home break ins. The list goes on. This type of crime is not only alarming but results in violence and in many cases murder.

A product of the Great Recession has been that police departments have seen lay offs. Police are understaffed and are not able to respond to these emergencies as swiftly as possible. If you are like me, my main concern is to keep my family safe and enabling my children to live a happy, care-free life is paramount. This type of activity raises anxiety levels in our communities and we as citizens have to roll up our sleeves and take action and become vigilant. I am not proposing that we are vigilantes and fighting crime ourselves, but nowadays police departments have services which you can send anonymous text tips directly to them. This will enable us to empower ourselves and protect ourselves further from criminals. I believe that Neighborhood Crime Watch groups are also a great way to prevent crime and we should have these types of programs in place in our neighborhoods. What other solutions do you think can be implemented so we can be more proactive in crime fighting?